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June 2015

The World Next Door
The World Next Door
When the church embraces its refugee neighbors, blessings flow both ways.
Same Sex Marriage Is Legal: How Pastors are Responding in this Crucial Moment
Same Sex Marriage Is Legal: How Pastors are Responding in this Crucial Moment
A faithful response means adopting a proper posture, not just correct doctrine.
When One of Us Falls
When One of Us Falls
5 pastors share how they react when a high-profile Christian leader has a moral failing.
Keep Your Church from Killing You
Keep Your Church from Killing You
When a glorious calling becomes an assassin.
The Surprising Pastoral Wisdom of Elisabeth Elliot
The Surprising Pastoral Wisdom of Elisabeth Elliot
Both complementarian and egalitarian pastors stand to learn from Elisabeth Elliot’s ministry.
Grieving with Charleston
Grieving with Charleston
What five pastors will be telling their congregations about the massacre at Emanuel Church.
Honoring Fathers When Many Aren’t Honorable
Honoring Fathers When Many Aren’t Honorable
Beware the generalities when preaching on Father’s Day.
When “The Only Way” is the Wrong Play
When “The Only Way” is the Wrong Play
The exclusivity of Jesus is an essential doctrine, but sharing your faith effectively often requires starting the conversation elsewhere.
The Power of Words Not Spoken
Turn these three common thoughts into positive realities.
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