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January 2015

David and Goliath Hit the Movies
David and Goliath Hit the Movies
And other items from around the web.
The Truth About Freedom
The Truth About Freedom
An Interview with Rick McKinley
6 Considerations for Successful Leadership Duos
Find and keep the right #2 leader.
The Role of Oral Tradition in the Synoptics
The Role of Oral Tradition in the Synoptics
And other items from around the web.
Ministry, Underinflated
Ministry, Underinflated
What counts as a ministry cheat?
Christians, Host an Oscars Party
Links to get you to Monday
Christians, Host an Oscars Party
And other items from around the web.
The Prodigal Daughter
The Prodigal Daughter
What I said when a pastor friend asked me to preach after his daughter strayed.
Missional Living in a Fraternity
Missional Living in a Fraternity
What it takes to go with Jesus into unlikely parts of the world.
Enjoy God’s Gifts
Enjoy God’s Gifts
An Interview with Joe Rigney
Fear From the Pulpit
Fear From the Pulpit
Is it driving away Millennials?
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