Table Of Contents
April 2020
Volume 64, Number 3
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About This Issue
Our cover story this month features the work of Kyung-Chik Han, a South Korean pastor who worked tirelessly mobilizing churches to meet overwhelming needs in the midst of the Korean War. This issue went to press before the scope of the COVID-19 epidemic in that country was fully known and well before the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global pandemic. Nevertheless, Asbury University historian David Swartz offers us a provocative reminder that many of our most important institutions—crucial in good times and bad—stand on the shoulders of unsung giants. And it’s not unthinkable that the strength of any institution that endures tumult today is owed, in large measure, to the success of its overlooked heroes.
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Cover Story

World Vision’s Forgotten Founder
A Korean pastor helped birth one of the world's largest charities. Why did he disappear from history?


Love in the Desert of Lent
This season’s greatest gift has nothing to do with discipline.
Before Christ Rose, He Was Dead
The truth of Holy Saturday is that God is with us, even in our mortality.
The Moral Order of the World Points to God
The so-called “moral argument” gives evidence of God’s existence. But it also directs us to his goodness and grace.
Fighting Anxiety With the Old Testament
The ancient Scriptures are a surprising source of support in our struggles with stress.


Let Bible Reading Get Back to Basics
The best tools and strategies are deceptively simple.
April Fools
Easter’s joke is on us.
God’s Mercies Aren’t So New
Why an ancient bishop taught new believers about grace using the Old Testament.


Youth Ministry Needs Less Fun and More Joy
The collapse of an older, activities-driven model has created room for a gospel-centered alternative.
The ‘Over There’ Era of Missions Is Over
Nowadays, the Western church needs to send ambassadors to its own culture.
New & Noteworthy Fiction
Chosen by Valerie Fraser Luesse, a magazine editor, award-winning travel writer, and author of "Missing Isaac" and "Almost Home" (Revell).
God Likes You. He Really Likes You!
Scripture has a resounding reply to our doubts about his longing to be with us.
Five Books That Capture the Blessings of Getting Older
Chosen by Michelle Van Loon, author of "Becoming Sage: Cultivating Meaning, Purpose, and Spirituality in Midlife" (Moody Publishers).


Why Gideons International Is Scaling Back Bible Printing
How the Scripture distribution ministry is adapting for 2020 and beyond.
Gleanings: April 2020
How Christian Colleges Have Been Revising Student Handbooks Since Obergefell
Schools wrestle with best ways to serve LGBT students, stay true to traditional teachings.
They’re Not From the US. But They’re Ministering to the Nation’s Soldiers
Foreign-born chaplains serve growing diversity in American military.

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Our April Issue: Behind the Scenes
Honoring the hidden heroes of our past can start right now.
Medium Matters
Like Christians of old, we’re embracing the new.
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Responses to our January/February issue.
I Was Warned to Keep My Distance from ‘Infidels.’ Then One Prayed for My Family.
How a son of the Arabian Gulf met the Son of God in a strange new place.