July (Web-only) 2007

Will Tomorrow's Evangelicals Remember Tammy Faye?
She was an icon of a changing movement, but didn't actually change it, say experts.
Resurrecting the Public Death
Tammy Faye reminded us how to die.
The Camden 28
My Best Friend
No Reservations
The Simpsons Movie
Talk to Me
(A Bit Less) Positive About Potter
How Focus on the Family, Prison Fellowship, and others have—and haven't—changed their views about the books over the years.
Grace—That's So Sick
The church seems to be an embarrassment to everyone except its Lord.
Arctic Tale
Interview: Michael Landon Jr.
A Tough Audience
Michael Landon Jr. on making movies for Christians.
What Would Jonathan Edwards Say About Harry Potter?
How the preacher responded to pop culture's version of transcendence.
'The Man Who Saw the Angel'
Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky opposed any intellectual interpretation of his films, but they were rife with spiritual imagery and signs of his faith.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
The magic world of Harry Potter begins yielding to a 'deeper magic.' A review of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'
Bush's Heresy
His hope for Iraq is "more of a theological perspective," he says.
Early Light
On pilgrimage to Ireland's first Christian sites.
Pro-Life Cinema
Several recent films take a life-affirming view of unwanted pregnancies, as babies are carried to term and abortion is dismissed as an option. Could this be a trend?
Doerksen: What's Wrong with Worship Music
Think About God
Pioneer Brian Doerksen on what's wrong with worship music.
Missions That Heal
Ministering across the wealth divide means giving up our savior complex.
Rescue Dawn
Tablet Is 'Proof' for Jeremiah Passage
Plus: A Ghanaian pastor's shocking magic trick, Time on Democrats' religious outreach, what to watch next in the Holsinger debate, and other stories from online sources around the world.
We Are Not Pregnant
The glory of men and women lies in their unbridgeable differences.
Honest Ecumenism, Again
As we said in 2000, the Vatican's statement on the nature of the church is a step forward, not backward, for Christian unity.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' is a dark, grim, serious film, with little of the joy or whimsy that animated the first four movies.
The Importance of Being Western
Why are we so embarrassed that Columbus ever set foot in the New World?
The Passivity Of American Christians
The myths that are intimidating those who hold forth a biblical heritage, and what can be done about them.
Superman on the Screen: Counterfeit Myth?
Heroes have disappeared. They have been replaced by superheroes-fantasy creatures.
Theologian Harold O. J. Brown Dies at 74
Scholar and writer was key in mobilizing pro-life movement among evangelicals.
Sinéad O'Connor's Theology and 'Theology'
Why you shouldn't be surprised that her new album is mostly passages from the Old Testament.
Jesus Is 'Like an Energy'
Or something. And God is in all of us, and he doesn't judge. Such is the wobbly theology of Sinead O'Connor, whose new album is being pitched to the Christian market.
License to Wed
Take a Chance on Something Beautiful

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