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L’Avent pour les cœurs en deuil
L’espérance d’une réunion qui nous aide à persévérer aujourd’hui.
Адвент для скорбящих сердец
Надежда на союз, помогающая нам жить сегодня.
Adviento para corazones afligidos
La esperanza del encuentro que nos ayuda a perseverar hoy.
애통하는 자들을 위한 대림절
현재의 삶을 인내하게 하는 연합에 대한 소망.
How Nine Lessons and Carols Brought a Century of Christmas Comfort
Written in the wake of world war, the poignant service stills us during a season of extravagance.
Adven untuk Hati yang Berduka
Pengharapan akan pertemuan kembali menolong kita bertahan hingga saat ini
When Grief like Sea Billows Roll Through Your Holidays
I learned how to mourn when my mom lost her mind, and then her life, to dementia.
Deconstructed Home for the Holidays
Faith is dividing families. What does lament look like in our relationships to God and our loved ones?
이 악의 시대에서 전쟁의 흉악함에 대하여
‘최후의 적은 죽음’이며, 그 적은 이스라엘-하마스 전쟁의 반란군이다.
The Obscenity of War in This Present Evil Age
“The last enemy to be destroyed is death,” and that enemy is insurgent in the Israel-Hamas war.
팀 켈러가 그의 추도식을 위해 선택한 6곡의 찬송가
고인이 된 목사는 우리에게 어떻게 살아야 하는지, 그리고 어떻게 죽어야 하는지 가르쳐주었다.
Quatro em cada dez evangélicos dizem já terem sido visitados por mortos
Apesar da advertência das Escrituras contra a comunicação com o “além”, a maioria considera que poder ouvir entes queridos é um consolo para a sua dor.
Tony Evans Brings Up the Mixed Emotions of Remarriage After Loss
His engagement announcement reflects the complications of grief and celebration that Christians experience with second marriages.
4 in 10 Evangelicals Say They’ve Been Visited by the Dead
Despite Scripture’s warning against communication from beyond the grave, most consider hearing from loved ones to be a comfort in their grief.
‘Everything Bad Is Going to Come Untrue’
Tim Keller: We often seek short-term satisfaction. But what Jesus offers is far better.
Tim Keller nos ensinou como viver e como morrer
Veja os 6 hinos que o pastor de Nova York escolheu para seu culto memorial.
The 6 Hymns Tim Keller Picked for His Memorial Service
The late pastor taught us how to live—and die.
Lições para criar raízes no local em que vivemos
Mais pessoas estão preferindo morar em um só lugar. Mas como podemos viver assim de forma intencional?

Top Story December 28, 2023

CT’s Top 10 News Stories of 2023
CT’s Top 10 News Stories of 2023
The year brought news of revival and tragedy, with ongoing coverage of denominational divides and allegations of abuse in ministry.

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